Tim Hemlin invited me to participate in the Favorite Screen Characters blog hop. It’s a simple, fun hop.
Name your ten favorite TV or Movie characters, then nominate friends to do the same!
These are my favorites. The ranks get more arbitrary as the numbers increase:
1. Spock, Star Trek
Spock's character is one of the most compelling and appealing; he's a deep thinker trying to straddle two worlds. Spock believes in the practicality of peace but can drop you with his martial arts or Vulcan nerve pinch in a heartbeat.
2. Frodo, Lord of the Rings
His is the most difficult, lonely, and thankless quest. The "May it be" song is perfect for this hero who does not happily retire to the Shire, but continues to suffer from all he's been through for others...more like most real soldiers.
3. Gandalf, Lord of the Rings
Deep, magical, fighting the good fight.
4. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek Next Generation
He's a classic Captain.
5. Captain Janeway, Star Trek Voyager (notice a trend?)
It was so refreshing to have a wonderfully competent female captain!
6. Larry, Numbers
He can imagine children as wormholes to the future and has the most fascinating philosophical/science discussions.
7. Cat Woman, Cat Woman
She's wonderfully independent and ambiguously good.
8. Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes
He's more attached to others than he realizes, which makes this observant but unaware genius likable.
9. The Lady, Sherlock Holmes
She's totally self-assured, in it for herself but still fascinated by Sherlock.
10. Captain America, Captain America
What could be better than the elevator scene? "Before we begin, does anyone want to get off?"
He's not a knee-jerk hero, but instead thinks about cause, effect, hidden agendas...
These are my Ten Favorite Characters. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Here are the lucky friends I tag to continue with this fun hop; they have wonderful blogs.