Doreen is one of the essential employees, one of the people who enable us to get our food and supplies. Now she's working in a danger zone, exposed to customers who may have Covid-19, with less germ protection equipment than in some of the other professions.
Customers yell when the shelves are empty, as if she must have some magical power to make items appear . . . and is too stubborn to use her magic wand. Others ask if she even understands how to do her job, and rail at her. Associates develop coping methods for dealing with difficult customers and dangerous situations, but sometimes it's not enough. Please be kind.
Doreen devours books and articles like candy. Conversations range from history to government, world politics, the environment, and much more. Her memory for facts and understanding of connections is astounding; I could listen to her for hours.
John is another friend, a delightful physics nerd who tinkers with alternate energy inventions. He shares his latest research with me while he makes veggie juices in a natural foods store.
Carol works as a cashier. Her gift is to make everyone cheerful, like solid sunshine. Russ earned a law degree, hated the work, and now paints the outsides of houses. Kate is a marvelous poet, Mark is an author, and both stock shelves in a grocery store.
Everyone I've met has an intriguing life story, hobbies, dreams. Store employees make our society work and make our lives richer. Please be civil to all during these trying times.