Crystal Geometry and Crystal Colors are the first books I wrote and illustrated. The crystal / shell kits are used for educational and artistic activities.

"Why does this pyrite crystal grow as a cube?"
Me: "Because of chemistry. The crystal angles are the angles of the chemical bonds."
We measure all 24 angles. Then we build models.
"How does oxygen get into this quartz crystal?"
Me: "Because it breathes! JUST JOKING!
Oxygen and Silicon combine as the crystal grows."

The activities promote deep, connected learning that sticks.
The third book, Crystal Clouds, is underway.

Golden dragons need copper supplements to survive. They carve a trance-stone globe to meditate and communicate.
Ice dragons use magnetic lodestones for their ice game Slam and to make lightning sculptures.
Octopuses grow black pearls to trade with dragons.

I love collecting crystals, rocks, and fossils. The Dragon Dreamer books began because this ceramic bowl with my odd rock seemed like a dragon's nest.